North Star Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services Lt
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners in Chatham (Kent)
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Opening hours
Monday to Sunday: 9am - 5:30pm
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Trading Since
July 2000
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Products and Services
Carpet Repair & Fitting
We provide a fully comprenhensive carpet repair and fitting service, whether it's simply coming up with a solution to remedy a burn or rip to one of your most treasured pieces of flooring, to finding a solution to a fitting problem with your carpet.
Price: £45.00
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
We provide a deep extraction clean to all types of carpets and furnishings. We can remedy the usual household dirt and muck trodden in by family and pets to the unusual stains caused by drink spillages and diy products. We provide free written quotation
Price: £60.00
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We offer these payment methods
- Cash
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The best carpet cleaner I have ever had, knowledgeable, efficient and lovely . I can not recommend Gary and North Star Cleaning highly enough.
Angela Coleman
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